
Drop Down MenusCSS Drop Down MenuPure CSS Dropdown Menu

Tuesday 10 April 2018



Tennis Player : My style of playing is serve and volley.
Poet : I do verse and solly.

Mom: What did the helmet say to the visor?
Kid: Adviser

Kid: Mom, do I have a sweet tooth?
Mom: Water it down.

Cake Hogger : Can I eat my cake and have it too?
Baker : Half your cake, you will get two.

Kid : Why does the bird say chirrup, chirrup, chirrup?
Mom : It actually says cheer up, cheer up, cheer up.

Kid: Will I get some candy today?
Mom: Only if you dress up like a dandy.

Kid: What is a dandelion?
Mom: Its a lion that dress up like a dandy.

Programmer : My laptop proposed wedding bliss to me today?
Boss : Why don't the two of you spend time together and raise smart phone.

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