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27 Apr 2017 New
What matters most

27 Apr 2017 New
Short Story Apsara
24 Apr 2017 Updated
Short Story Last Chance
24 Apr
Short Story Precious
24 Apr
Short Story The beat of my heart

Short Story The Tryst

Novel The Adventues of Pickwick Peters : Darjeeling Dandelion

Novel Daddy Cool

Hip Hop Miss Sunshine : Hip Hop

Blues Blue: Blues Blue

Hip Hop Girl : Hip Hop

Salsa Lamha: Salsa Lamha

Ghazal Khwaab: Ghazal Khwaab

Ballad Nasha: Ballad

Muskaan: Children Song

Poem Kali: Poem

Ballad Aao Na: Ballad

Novel in Verse Madhumati

Novel Love you Mommy

Novel Into the mist

Novel Something's gotta give

Novel Sweet Rain

Novel The Odyssey

Novel in Verse That Funny Feeling

Novel Innamorata

Novel Mascarenha: A Tale of Two Ditzies

Novel Margherita: A Tragic Love Affair

Novel Casa Morea: A Raemans


She was a mere mortal on the firmament
On the astral plane she was divine
If the gods so wish to make it permanent
Her beauty in the heavens be enshrined 

There is a bright light, almost blinding suddenly drenching me and I am rising up through the air as if lifted by the spirits themselves. I hear divine music and voices calling my name, "Come, Estrella, come with us far above where you belong". As I rise up, I feel the wind in my face, and I am swirling in whisps of cotton candy floss clouds that seem to dance around me in a vortex swallowing me at will and then spitting me out with equal vehemence.

What matters most

Of all the things I adore,
And hold close to my heart.
You would make the list,
In fact you are where I start.

As a child, I was fascinated by mundane things like waking up to a songbird wondering whether it was a thrush, or the morning lark, or the mynah, singing about god's glory and everything underneath the sun. I would break up into fits of laughter when Momma tickled me silly, not knowing what was happening, and how her fingers running up and down my body could make me squeal with joy and yet revelling under her touch like a wound up doll

Last Chance

Does there exist destiny
Do I believe in fate
You seem like such a mystery
I wish there was no last date

I hold a cigarette nervously in my child like hands, twirling it and then putting it softly to my lips, taking a drag, and suddenly I am lost in a haze. I wonder if she will be there today. Its been a few months since the first time I set my eyes on Aisha, and it was love at first sight. Her name made me always come up with the the song in my mind, 'Comme si je ne existe pas .... Aisha Aisha Ecoute Mois, Aisha, Aisha regardez moi'.


If I had to take one thing
To heaven with me
Its you I would bring
Who else could it be

"Wake up presh, rise and shine", I heard dad's voice in my slumber, and much to my chagrin, I just remembered that it was Monday. I am Priscilla, and my dad calls me Presh, short for Precious lovingly.

He takes me and cuddles up with me before settling down in his rocking chair and putting me on his belly.  He nudges me playfully with his beard and it feels so ticklish, I get my wake up call. I open my eyes lazily, rubbing my eyes gleefully and say to him, "Oh, dad, can I sleep for another 15 minutes. The sun is not completely out yet, is it"?

The beat of my heart

The world is quiet asleep
I can hear your heart beat
My heart skips one or two
Knowing all I know of you

I still remember that night, it was friday, kickstarting the weekend, three of us from the office, Sameer, I and Ira decided to hit the new discotheque in town - cloud nine. It was simmering outside and waiting in the long queue of people outside the club I noticed a really pretty girl in front of me.

The Adventures of Picwick Peters : Darjeeling Dandelion

Darjeeling Dandelion

I grew up in Assam
A boy on a tea bagaan
A drama, a mystery, an adventure
Is what all day I care for

I am pickwick peters, but before I begin to introduce myself, let me introduce you to my faithful and loveable companions. First and foremost comes hero my adorable thoroughbred, a genuine stallion crossbred between Mustangs from America and Rustoms from Indian Maharajas.

Daddy Cool

The wonder years 

When I grow up, ripe and old
I am gonna be just like dad
I'll farm and keep mum company
For all that can be had  

"Mario, are you coming home", his mother's voice called out from inside the kitchen. My dad had always been an outdoor kind of a person, right from the time he grew up as a child. He would scamper away from his house at the slightest of opportunities presenting itself in front of him to sneak away into the woods, or the backyard, or the park. He had a penchant for exploring little things that seemed inconsequential to most.

Blue : Blues : Video

Miss Sunshine : Hip Hop

Miss Sunshine

Kohl in your eyes
Hiding Big Blue Skies
Sweet Sugar and Spice
You're my Miss Sunshine

Blue : Blues


I  am out all alone
 And the night is so young
Its you on my mind
I've come undone

Girl : Hip Hop


Girl you be my superstar
I'll be your geek
Girl you be my angel
I'll be your freak

Khwaab : Ghazal : Video

Lamhon : Salsa : Video

If I had you by my side : Romantic Song : Video

If I had you by my side : Romantic Song

If I had you by my side

If I had you by my side,
I would hold you oh so close.
It would be a sweet forever,
And I would give you all my love.

Lamha - Salsa


लम्हो की रिमझिम में 
इक पल जो रुक जाए 
उस पर तेरा आना 
आ के खो जाना 

Khwaab - Ghazal


आँखें बंद हो 
और ख्वाब की 
वजह तुम हो 



कैसा ये नशा है 
कैसा है ये ग़ुबार 
कैसी है ये कशिश 
कैसा है ये ख़ुमार



नन्ही सी गुड़िया 
नाम मुस्कान 
खेल खेलना 
उसकी पहचान 

खोई सी मिली 
हुई पेहचान 
कोई पहेली 
सबसे अनजान 

रंग में रंगी 
थोड़ी नादान 
प्यार में ढली 
थोड़ी शैतान 

मैंने बस पुछा 
पता घर का 
हँस के वो बोली
मैँ सबकी मेहमान



बिल्लोरी आँखें 
गिल्लौरी होंठ 
गेसू ये कजरारे

ऐसे छाते लट पे लट 
जैसे घनघोर घटा छाए 

गुलाब की कली 
चंचल ओझल तितली 
तूफान में गिरती बिजली 

ऐसे चमके 
ऐसे दमके 
जैसे जल में मछली 

अल्हड़  पवन
सुन्दर मूरत 
यौवन की देवी 

कवि की कल्पना 
कोई सपना 
अनछुई अनजानी 

 सागर का मोती 
दीपक में ज्योति
एक छलकता जाम

हम से ना पूछो 
क्या कह गयी आंखें 
हम शायर गुमनाम  


Aao Na

आओ ना

कैसी है ये तन्हाई
जब दिल ने सोचा
तेरी याद आईं
कैसी है ये जुदाई
जब भी  मिला तू
सदायें लौट आईं

आओ ना तरसाओ ना
दिल को तुम बेहलाओं ना
आओ ना मिल जाओ ना
सांसों में बस जाओ ना

कैसी कसक तूने जगाई
लाख मनाया
चैन ना आये

आओ ना तरसाओ ना
दिल में तुम बस जाओ ना 
आओ ना मिल जाओ ना 
प्यार मेरा लौटाओ ना  

पलके झुके आँख भर आई
ओ मेरे यारा 
कैसी है ये रुस्वाई

वक्त गुजरा लौट के ना आये 
भूला ज़माना 
रूठी खुदाई 

आओ ना तरसाओ ना
गुज़रा ज़माना लौटाओ ना
आओ ना मिल जाओ ना 
मेरे हो के रेह जाओ ना



For her face was wisdom, her door a stairway to art.
Her lips guardians of song, such was the beauty of Madhumati.
And he sculpted desire, in the beat of heaven.
In the land of Nataraj, Sibu ruled with love.

He was a moth to her flame,
She was the wind and he was vane.
A tale of love, pride, ambition, art and some things vain,
When dance and music came down from the heavens like rain.

Nataraj ruled over the coastal Indies;
From the malabar to the rann of kutch,
Across the deccan, to the ghats,
Reminiscent of an empire mighty as the shivalik range.

Sibu sang paeans, hymns and odes a plenty,
Of valour, happiness, bravado and gaiety.
Madhumati danced to a sound beautious,
A nrityanagana, a dancer, a poetess, a ditty

The land was vast, a never ending paradise,
Mountains, rivers, flatlands, mangroves and coastal beaches.
Crop ripened, milk flowed and honeysuckle in every flowerbed,
A land so bountious, that it may breathe life into the dead.

Soil fertile, sediments, rocky, alluvial and drained,
The krishna, the cauvery, and the godaveri, a symphony they played.
Amidst the gorges and the ravines of the ghats,
Draining the water from the sea to the shore and way past.

Mung, Urad, Horsegram, grew in the savannah,
Not a foe in sight, noone a pariah.

The Tryst

The Rugged Cowboy

Marcus was what you may describe as a ruggedly handsome man. The first thing you woud notice about him was his hands, for they looked like a workman's hands. He was best described as a man for all seasons, a jack of all trades, for he had tried his hands at everything, from big game fishing to cattle rearing, and even been a big hit at some of the speakeasies with his flair for playing the blues harp like Sonny Boy Williamson blaring, " I am a lonely man".  He was always to be found after work messing around with them country women or playing cards with the guys, a regular all around fun guy.

He had just finished work at the stables and decided to head for a beer at the local tavern. He barged his way in and butt-slapping the barmaid Jillian playfully asked her for a mug of beer. The heat had made him thirsty and he gulped a big shot down the moment he got his hands on the mug of beer.

Hey Marcus? How are your horses. Have you been taking them out lately,  a voice called out from end of the bar stools. It was Joe's the guy who owned the local bakery.

Something's just not right with them. They have been acting up lately. I dont know what to make of it. I will sleep over it I guess, Marcus said loudly to be heard over the din in the bar.

It must be the weather, they say that heat can sometimes go to their heads. You should try putting some cooling pads and may be ventilating the place with some fans, shouted another voice from behind the taps. It was the barfly's Sean's and as usual he was nursing his beer mug close to the taps.

Thats a good idea. I am done with this beer. I will head to the stables and put the cooling pads. I have some in the warehouse, said Marcus and took his leave from the tavern.

Margherita - A Tragic Love Affair

The Mariachi's Wedding Song

If I ever knew anything before this
That I never knew nothing like you
Let it be all that I want to know my love
For your eyes speak more than I will ever want to know.


Joe knew how to stroke the chords of the guitar with the same passion and grace as a lover knows how to cajole, coax and wheedle a paramour into gentle submission. The mariachi was always summoned to many a wedding ceremony in the town of Yerba buena, but today's affair promised to be a delightfully endearing one. The long and tantalising love affair of his close friend, his hombre Julio and the lovely charming lady love of his life, Romeena had culminated in Julio going down on one knee. It happened one evening, with Julio and Romeena on a leisurely walk around the lake when Julio had turned in her direction with a pleading gaze in his eyes and beckoned her to come and sit with him on a deserted bench where the birds came for roosting during the sunset.  Joe pulled her closer on the bench and whispered in her eager ears, "Matrimonio y mortaja del cielo baja, mi corazon, y eres paraíso". A teardrop fell down Romeena's eye as she moaned, "Yes, my love of course, I have always felt the same".

If the mojave desert is the color of forehead of the sun, then the gulf of mexico is like tears from the sun and mezcal had flowed the night before at the bachelor party

The Bacherlor Party

 Joe was in good spirits and the house of Julio had felt like a rundown Chicago speakeasy with chevys flowing in and out all night full of an eclectic mix of teeming teenagers, dowdy dowagers, chrulish curmudgeons, cantankerous cans, not to mention the deluge of amiable amorous innamoratas. Casa de Santos is what the locals chose to call Julio's dwellings for he truly was saint-like in his disposition, his merry eyes always overflowing with joy, merriment, laughter and gaiety. Julio's brother Caesar, the casanova and playboy of the family had walked in with famished femme fatales frothing at his far and near side, hanging on to every word he spoke or gestures that he made with his clever hands. For, where Julio was a dapper gentleman, Caesar was a contrasting tone of clownish mannerisms, and his never ending puns, quips, ripostes, chutzpah, and at time ribald humour had kept the crowd regalted late into what now seemed like a never ending night for Julio and his gang.

It was not much left to chance then that amidst this fiesta Joe lost his heart in a moment to the lovely eyes that met his, the eyes of a young madien with flaxen hair, and all it took was a glance in her direction at the party. A man's nose and a girl's hair have been much eulogized by poets but to sum it all up both grow when the person of good forebearance starts lying as has been shown with much fanfare by disney for Pinnochio and Rappunzel.

The adjectives for hair are numerous and abound like pop art clues as in color descriptions - auburn, shocking red, blonde braids, black patches, blue streaks, etc, styles - afro puff, bob cut, balding pate, pig tails, out of which the bun has been so glamourised that it finds itself at the mercy of such contraptions as clutches, and even pins and sticks,  time of the day - dishevelled early morning look, well done boardroom panache and to put the nail in the coughing, late night dreamy delusional dirages. But, what joe saw was something so illuminating and mirage like that it almost felt like a halo on top of a visage that held up the very face of a goldilocks, or perhaps Calipurnia with tresses that fell down like the rapids of the Russian river bellowing a raucous beat down the parched, desert like terrain of Mexico. And so it goes in many a fairy tale, the street urchin fell for the charming princess when they met at the ball, and the scene is all set for a rollercoaster ride , a heart rending, thumping, diaphanous dream that can break at the very outset if one is not careful enough to wake up from one's delusions about a fairy tale world being chased away daily by the privations, starkness, mundane daily existence that is life itself for many a loveable rascal. Joe was the retiring shying away type, so he had to muster a lot of courage to more of less propel himself in her direction and then out of his stupor he managed these words, 'Como si amo, Senorita! Como estas?'. It turned out that she was just the opposite, outgoing and vivacious, for she giggled like a teenager and pat came the reply,'You are funny senor. I am Margherita'. It turns out Joe and Margherita would be on the lips, minds and inside the hearts of Mexicans, from the old towns, the peasant dwellings to the Metropolis for a long time to come, for noone less than the great poet Pablo Neruda would write about them, Freida would dance to them and a very much drunk Diego Rivera would paint the town red with his murals when he described their ill fated love affair. It also happened that gypsy trumpet noise makers would come to life with bamboleo riffs, flamenco staffs and bolerias that rang loud and clear in the streets from Tijuana to Mexico City and all the way to  Ford Lauterdale and Palm Beach Florida.

The Rendezvous

As fate would have it, and as seems appropriate, ruins of the reich chancery pavillon was where they were destined to meet again, for the reich seemed like it was waiting to be rejuvenated by that first burst of a spring waltz by the couple amidst the gentry that routinely cavorted in its lawns and fabled premises. It was a routine chancion del mariachi performance for Joe and she was on the guest list. Joe was trying his best to avoid her gaze but how could he for he felt like goose game on a hunting paradise where a pair of eyes sought his. He stole a glance and for a while like narcissus he saw only her eyes in his own for her eyes were the most brilliant, little gems that shone with promise at clever conversation and repartee.  He felt like he was in the midst of a herd of grazing musk deer that had descended from the upper reaches of the kalahari and hers belonged to a caribou, pallid brown crystal balls with a sheen that defied description other than metaphysical metaphor and symphonic similes. At this moment, he felt like he was in a dream where his mind were Houdini ram-shackled tight and thrown to drown like the loch-ness monster in the calm placid watery confines that were her eyes reminding him of the Scottish highlands, while she lay drunk on hemlock in the damp mil-dewy dungeons of her castle as a lonely princess of high noble birth in the forgotten city of Atlantis with Zeus presiding over the proceedings with a steely scepter and an even harder resolve in his harsh hands.

Fantasy gave way to reality and he woke up to the lead of the band Jose wielding a guitar not a conductor's baton. Joe always played by the ear and had a severe case of stage fright. While others were happy with music written in notes on sheets, such writings and codices seemed strangely apocryphal to him. When playing with an ensemble, he always chose a seat at the back where he could get an ample view of the orchestra while at the same time managed to hide himself from the glare of the audience. Joe liked to think himself a natural musician, definitely not a gifted one, even though his friends chugged him on from his slumber many a times to make him believe otherwise. He would always laugh it off with 'I am just waiting for inspiration, yall know, like Michelangelo waiting for his Venus di milo'. 

Far away : ballad

Can't hear your voice,
Can't feel you close.
I need you here,
But you're so far away

Can't bear the nights,
When I am alone.
The tears won't stop
Cos you're so far away

Remember the kisses,
And the dances too.
Its some romance,
When you're so far away.

I've got the blues,
Its a sad tune.
Can't make the music,
Cos you're so far away.

A night of love,
Dance under the moon.
Is all it will take,
So won't you come and stay.

Dance with me

Hold me close and sway with me,
Look into my eyes and hear my heartbeat.
Feel the rhythm, move across the floor,
Dance me till the morning, till my feet are sore

The first thing one notices about dolly is her eyes, for they are limpid pools emanating warm glowing light that cuts one deep if you stare long enough. Her hair is like the night sky, a dark ominous halo surrounding a Venusian sculpted face that would make many a gorgeous countess jealous. Her complexion is olive brown and reminds one of the chapparals in California where she grew up and her lips, a luscious cherry red begging to be kissed by a young paramour. Her cheeks turned red in the sun like sun kißsed cherry tomatoes and made one wonder whether she was blushing. She accentuated her divine features even more with accoutrements. Some mascara on her eye lashes, kohl in her eyes, rouge on her cheeks and lips and she looked like a prima Donna, a Demi goddess out on the prowl to steal hearts with a mere glance from those angel eyes.
She had the voluptuousness of a Venus de Milo, the fecund abundance of Aphrodite, the joie de vivre of the nine muses and the panache of Josephine. She could recite poetry of Keats and Shelley with equanimity and dance like a nymph to exquisite music in the dance halls of san Francisco.

Tose Naina laage

तोसे नैना लागे रे
कारे बदरा कजरारे
जैसे बँध गये धागे
मनवा अब ना लागे

Ishq: Ballad



इश्क़ वो बाला है 
इश्क़ वो नशा है 
मज़ा ही मज़ा है 
सज़ा ही सज़ा है 

मुहब्बत जूनून है 
दिलों की रवां है 
नज़रों की जुबां है 
ये इक दास्ताँ है 

इश्क दर्द है 
न जिसकी दवा है 
अदा ही अदा है 
दिलों की सदा है 

ये पागलपन है 
आशिक़ परेशान है 
क्या करूँ बयां मैं 
यह ज़ख्म हरा है 

इश्क़ जिसको हुआ है 
वो दिल ही जवान है 
दिलों की है मंज़िल 
यारों का कारवान है

Love you mommy


Tonight I wished upon a star,
As bright and fair as the moon.
Oh thank you dear God,
For the wish did come true.
Now I find myself standing next,
To a cute little momma of two.
I dont know what she does,
And I wonder what she'll do.
I bet she can even play the didgeridoo.

Into the mist

The Interview

Verdant green, skies of blue,
The sun does shine, an orange hue.
Nature's backyard, scholars and books,
An institute of learning a school.

I am Arun, a poet, a student, a regular, fun, cool guy who is part momma's boy, part best pal, a dash of ladies man, and a pinch of sportsman all thrown into a muddle. I am tall, of athletic build, have curly hair, dimples on the left cheek, and I like to sport cool accessories like my Timex sports watch, and my ray ban sun glasses. I have a good sense of style when it comes to dressing up, at least that's what my pals at the college say.

Something's gotta give

The Bus Stop

An angelic visage, a regal pose,
A strand of hair across her nose.
A gladiolus, a tulip, perchance a rose,
An ethereal beauty from her slumber arose.

He gazed into her eyes, limpid chasms of eloquence and eternity halting only at erudite display of flashing brilliance and frivolity and spoke

And so it goes darling
My hands are tingling
I can't hide this feeling
Or stop a mind thats reeling

If I could behold you
For an instant more
It would mean forever
Its lips that quiver

When words waste, what eyes see, and hands discover


The Urchin

Rags to riches
Heart still aches
For that one moment
When time stood still


'Tu fam', she spoke to him through clear blue beseeching eyes as she offered him a baguette with pate. 'Non, mademoiselle. I regret', was all he could utter in broken Patois. He did not know how to make clever conversation with her or he would have told her how he actually felt tongue tied because of the sudden invasion of her ethereal beauty and charming presence in his tattered world.

Sweet Rain


As Deva listened to the pattering on his window pane, he became aware of what was to the the first in the documented history of the golden californian land, a monsoon. El Nino and El Nina, its twin sister had collided to produce a storm, a perfect one like that on Jupiter and promised to many a flower power loving San Francisco dweller a blissful dance of climatic activity. It had spurned speculations among many that it could transform the coastal towns completely as gale force winds lashed out and beat their fury on shanties and hutments strewn along the craggy Pacific coastline. As the water carrying winds from far off lands tiptoed its way across the pacific from the south californian coast of santa barbara to the bleak environs of half moon bay and further north to the parched shores of arizona, seagulls mocked each other in gay merriment and shoals of fish danced in wondrous welcome to the expectant oncoming onslaught of furious waves on the timid coast.

He was reminded of his carefree childhood days in the hills of Karnatka, amidst the wildflowers of Kemmanagundi, the chicory plantations of madikari, the beaches of gokarna, and the watery confines of cauvery where he had played many a game with his childhood friends splashing about in the potholes and watching little paper boats dissolve into whirlpools. Of all the things back home, that town called Udupi that he had left much to the dismay of his family he missed cricket in the rain. That game of putting bat to ball which made many an Indian kid rub his hands in glee, roll his eyes with twinkling delight and run out of the house with some made up lies about running some errands only to dissolve into a gang of friends wielding the cricket kit's paraphernilia.

The pain of separation from his homeland had been lessened only by his proximity to the angelic Sarah and her person always beamed down on him with his serendipitious charm and magnanimous elan.The mere thought of her made him reminisce childhood sweethearts and faint memories of teenage crushes swam in front of his wet eyes.

Presently, the wet ground beneath his feet outside his plush office stood as a contrast to the clamour of the concrete haven that was the silicon valley office space. Sporadic bursts of tepid teeming droplets and fervent gushes of cold winds brought about by a virulent display of gusting clouds made him seek out shelter in his umbrella. It made a big "whoosh" and sprang open in the crammed space that was his office entrance barely avoiding the beautiful incoming stranger that he had barely noticed out of the corner of his eyes.

The Odyssey


Spike put the odysses in warp speed 1, and casually overlooked the command center console displaying the galactic center of the distant nebula Hermes enveloped in a cataclysmic flux of cosmic activity and wondered if it was teeming with life or whether it was devoid of such wasteful activity as organic matter. He had travelled many a light year, four cherubic parsecs to be precise to make a rendezvous with this spectacular giant.

That Funny Feeling


Micky was a midget as part of Mr. Rustom's travelling circus The Flying Russian for as long as he remembered. Where he was part of the clown gang, minnie was a trapeze artist part of the sober callesthenics entourage. But what brought the audiences again and again to the The Flying Russian was a combination of the two acts - The Clotreze. The Flying Russian was paradise for the animal lover eyes for it had quite an impressive collection of performing animals. There was Jumbo the elephant, Spike and Picksy the performing seals, Leo the lion, Baloo the dancing bear, and finally the barrel full of monkeys to keep the crowd on their toes with their never ending razmattaz.


The Recluse

A man is well understood by looking at his dwellings and the possessions that he carries on his self. If that was the only measure of man, then Maxim could be best gauged as a hermit. He chose to call no particular place his own. He had lived many lives it seems, solitary confinement in corsica, a bare minimum place to call his own inside the Chateaux d' If of the coast of marseilles, a cap to identify him and a cell in a block of Alcatraz, Kaala Pani in Andman and Nicobar islands, a bachelor pad in east manhattan while working as a stock broker, an artists studio in SOHO London, a cottage for several years when he had attempted to solve the Goldbach's conjecture, lost with a couple of goats while shipwrecked when cruising the seven seas and perhaps in his older years as a lone curator of butterflies in the island of Papillon of the Canary Islands. But she was to enter his life like stormy water helped by gale force winds kicked off by a distant tornado in the mid-west finding its way through cracks in an old shanty and what happened was a deluge of music, so it goes

A Skewed Hermitian Prosody 

From the russian river, to the golden gate, to the sunset.
I recall a haiku, a couplet, and a sonnet.
A tale much like hamlet in the wild wild west.

Where the coyotes cackle, foxes trot, roes roundabout and wolves howl.
Wild things beckon, lauren shines, kate shimmies and meryl fades.
To the indies where serpents dance to a distant haze
And across the urals and carpethians to europes maze.

Summer harvests, Rainy dances, Winter Frost and Fall Romances
Of a twosome and then a foursome and so it continues
Maxim, Julia, Vlad, Misha, Raj, Meera, Radha, Kris
Frank, Nancy and Joe with Laura, not to mention the Joneses.

Mascarenha - A Tale of Two Ditzies


I wish you were here dear
For the leaves fall
If only they were the color
The last i saw you in your overall

Ditzy and Glitzy

Ditzy woke up to glitzy cooing in her ears what was much reminiscent of the hoch deutsch that they grew up to in Grindelwald , 'Come Shatzi, there's a drizzle outside, lets go play'. She chose to playfully tug at glitzy's jammies and pull her close and plead, 'No. Lets snuggle up. It's too cold outside'. This pretty much summed up the two girls, one a sheltered swan, the other a sparring sparrow. The Goan coastline where their hippy parents, Rolf and Heidi had chosen to park their caravan provided an ideal haven for all their childish games. They had a friend circle that comprised of mostly anglo-indian kids bordering on the infantile, the redhaired, fun seeking all round goofball - jill, cute, cuddly and a little bit on the chubby side - bob, the effervescent, bubbly cheerful brunette julie, the little prankster who can only be best described as a bundle of joy - ashi, the part time crooner, part time freaky artisan, and mostly full time loafer of the pack, frank, and finally the center of both ditzy and glitzi'es life, the freckled faced, red haired, blue eyed boy of Goa, Pete Mascarenhas.

A boy almost never shares his toys whereas girls are part of a sisterhood, a sorority where they share all their joys, sorrows and pleasures with equanimity. Pete, on the other hand was a cool, outgoing sort of fellow who was always at the center of things and loved being part of the whole, exploring with much ease at times the overbearing community of Goans - the Anglo Indians, the fresh flush of immigrants from far off lands like Russia seeking warmer climes and the natives who were always overjoyed to see a boy with laughter in his twinkling eyes amidst them.


Go on Aphrodisia
Go Andalucia
Go on Amaretto
Go Go Andiamo


Goa can be best described as a translucent and transient paradise, a blob on the coast spotted with cocnout groves, sandy beaches, long stretch of roads that seems like they are romancing the arabian sea, fisherman hamlets, beach shacks, paddy fields, all night raves and parties especially on the new year' eve, summer fiestas, football tournaments, informal cricket matches on the field, adventure sports like kayaking, off shore diving, banana boating, paragliding, boogie boarding, wind surfing, casinos bob on the coastline as the government relaxes visa laws and prohibition, architecturals wonders like the Dona Paula, institutes like the IIT, mutli-national corporation in software and manufacturing have found a safe haven here, ships carrying ore to the docks, and oil to the waiting IOCL depots, the navy has a large establishment here, but most of all what people know Goa for is that its the ultimate party destination, a never ending fiesta of music, fun under the sun, shopping in flea markets, coastal cuisine, local brews like the King's beer and the most popular local brew the coconut and the cashew feni. 

Grief, anguish, merriment, anxiety, utopia, sobriety, laughter and finally that rush of adrenaline in the form of goosebumps is best promised to the returning vagabond to Goa best when he is drunk on the good stuff, high on the good smokes, and on an empty sailor's stomach as he reminisces viraha - or separation when listening to the notes wafting on the dancing waves played to by the vagrant artisan from vihar on his shehnai - that double reed singing tunes of yesteryears lit by the golden setting sun on distant shores across the arabian sea in perhaps the dreamy Istanbul navigated deftly by the silly sailor across the Boisterous Bosphorous.

The first trip for a person to Goa typically starts with a couple of mates knocking loudly on the door late at night and then more arriving unannounced with a unanimous, 'Lets go to goa buddy. Pack your things'. And like the request is the response which typically is a surprised, 'What?. Now, at this time of the night. Go away, I have tonnes of things to take care of. ', Goa, like a showman magician showgirl always manages to pull at your heart strings with some surprise that she has managed to sneak in for that sleight of hand trick that leaves you baffled and curious at the same time.

Goa is also a shopper's delight, especially if you are intrerested in shopping for knick knacks and mementos ranging from chimes, trinkets, and for the more adventurous, liberal, artsy  and young at heart junta - bongs, chillums   and hookahs. The little things in life take on a whole new meaning here as one explores the farmer's market selling wares like mascarpone and mozarella cheese fresh from organic farms near Poona, strawberries and other assorted cherries and berries from the hills near lonavala, khandala, panchgani to mention a few hill stations, new age grain like quinoa, cous cous and other things to go with it like the legumes and lentils, and finally that true gold of the Indies, spices and coasts from the Malabar coast stretching all the way up to God's own Country in the south. Only a place that can make a Xacuti out of something simply fowl like Chicken can conjure such a bizarre basket of goods.

The first purchase for those travelling on a shoestring budget is typically a pair of loafers, a bermuda shorts, and a t-shirt in that order. For after having soiled your clothes by jumping in the ocean with your fellow lost travllers, there is nothing like a change to beach wear to melt into the scenery. After blending in the surroundings, if time permits, and if the mind allows itself to veer away from spending too much time just running barefoot like wild stallion holding on to those new loafers in hand,  one is bound to be distracted by the many shops selling books discarded by the compulsive travellers. Books have a weird quality of gaining in value and degrading in upkeep with time as and when the parchment they are written on fades more and more until its indistinguishable from an unrolled bamboo twig. If you wander off the beaten path until you are completely lost and resemble the talking siberian husky mishka in central park new york, then you might discover the aurobindo ashram and find yourself buying exotic wealth collected from the bottom of the ocean bed like spirulina globules. Items like these even though they are bought enthusiastically for superior health, find themselves as additional carry on items on carry on flight baggage to be disposed off to far off relatives in distant corners of the world. Its one way of shedding the guilt derived from all that first Goan pleasure trip.


H e l l o M e l o d y